One Two Three…Happy 4th!

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1…2…3…Happy Fourth of July!

We’re gearing up for our annual 4-day student leadership retreat in August with an Indiegogo fundraiser to help us cover the transportation costs of bringing 25 students and teachers to Vermont.  Very exciting!

The fundraising campaign will launch on Monday July 7, and we’re hoping for lots of exposure.  (Yes, you can help by spreading the word!)  Here’s a 52-second teaser of our campaign video:

As you saw in the video, our retreat them this year is “What Are You Hungry For?”  Our students collaborated across the country during this past school year, and will come together to strategize how to effect positive social change in their respective communities.  Please help us help them to grow some peace in the world!

Thanks for the support.

- Jacqueline

TGPP Founding Director


Getting Ready!


Growing In The Garden