Getting Ready!

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It’s funny when you’re paying attention to something it seems to present itself everywhere…

…like seeing this stop sign recently and thinking, “Yes, that’s what we’re trying to do here at TGPP!”

…or listening to a Joe Ehrmann interview where he says, “All of us have a responsibility to give back, to make the world more fair, more just, more hospitable for every human being….That’s the underline of all humanity.”


…or receiving a video link of Jim Carrey’s commencement address, where he says, “And when I say life doesn’t happen to you it happens for you, I really don’t know if that’s true.  I’m just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial, so that I can deal with them in the most productive way.”

Yes again, a nugget of truth about the resiliency and creativity we hope to cultivate in our young activists as they face hurdles in their quest for a better world.


LOTS of good things happening here at TGPP.   We’ve been notified we’ll be one of the featured organizations at the Ben and Jerry’s Waterbury Tour.  Our story will be in the VT Foodbank summer newsletter, we’ve been awarded a Sisters of Mercy Peace Award, and we’ve been invited to submit an article for the Common Good VT blog.

Of course, plans for the retreat are in full swing.  We’re lining up workshop presenters & our all-volunteer staff, securing lodging, planning meals, and developing program.   Our theme – What Are You Hungry For? – is taking shape.  I just had a conversation with Chris at the VT Foodbank, who will engage our group in activities that raise awareness about hunger and food insecurity.  Our workshops will be designed for personal challenges and risk-taking, and both small & large group meetings will help our kids identify issues they care about in the world, and how to go about effecting positive change within their own spheres of influence.

It’s hard work.  But when we receive words of support like the following from a participant’s mother, it reminds me of the value of what we’re doing:

I am happy to contribute and support your wonderful cause and grateful that my daughter is welcome back again this year.  Throughout the year she would often bring up something she learned during the retreat or mention a project they did.  I could tell the experience remained close to her heart all year.

Won’t you join us?  Please donate* what you can, and spread the word.  Thanks!

*at this site or at our Indiegogo campaign ending Friday August 1!!

- Jacqueline

TGPP Founding Director


A New Year


One Two Three…Happy 4th!