Youth Activism

Steps The Growing Peace Project youth activists take to effect positive social change:

1 - Identify issues that are important to them in their respective communities across the United States

2 - Collaborate, research, discuss, and think deeply about these issues

3 - Develop action plans to address these community issues, gather resources, and enlist support

4 - DO IT!

5 - Attend Vermont summer activism retreat where they reflect on lessons learned, adjust action plans, take the next step

It is one of the most life-changing things I’ve ever done.
— Skye, Activist and Counselor, Essex VT
My experience was awesome and BEAutiful!
— Alazia, Youth Activist, Minneapolis MN
Really fun and inspiring!
— Elise, Youth Activist, Houston TX
I learned that I am stronger than I think I am, and that I can be who I truly need to be, no matter what happens. I also want to thank you for inspiring me to be who I am. I want to help people, I want to be someone that people can look up to, and see they can get through what they are going through, and to persevere. So, Thank you for everything, because it changed me for the good!
— Luca, Youth Activist, Essex VT

TGPP Youth Are Doing Big Things! They…

Initiated a letter campaign to local legislators, calling on them to address gun violence

Got free menstrual products in middle school bathrooms

 Acted as a resource person for younger LGBTQIA+ youth

Created IG and designed / sold t-shirts to raise awareness about suicide prevention, and support nonprofits doing social justice work

Led peace activities and created a peace quilt with younger students

Organized a meal packaging program through Rise Against Hunger

Researched disaster-relief volunteer opportunities, and planned a service trip

Raised awareness through an anti-bullying day, and created a safe space at school

Started an urban roof-top school garden

Organized food drives

Worked with younger students on conflict resolution and self esteem

Initiated drug and alcohol awareness days at school

Developed a poster campaign to highlight community issues, such as: teen suicide, racism, bullying, gun violence in schools, drug addiction

Completed carbon footprint projects

Designed peace games to travel with us as we work with other schools

Designed and distributed immigration rights brochures and Instagram

Met with law enforcement to discuss racial profiling

Raised awareness about LGBTQIA+ rights

And more…

By the end of the day I was at ease, and I could see it with my students. I liked how the activities built on each other to help us see and feel the power of working together to improve something
— Mary, Partner Teacher, Buffalo WY
This is a valuable experience because you get to help people that need it.
— Jon, Youth Activist, NYC NY

Young activists planning, playing, scheming, learning new skills, discussing, creating, collaborating, sharing, volunteering, helping …

…growing more peace and justice in the world

I learn[ed] new ways on how to look at the world. You see things in a different way that will help you
— Aaron, Youth Activist, Buffalo WY