Peaceful Intentions

What a great year it’s been since my last update. In 2014-15 we had a very successful year working with amazing students from two schools – Clear Creek Middle School in Buffalo, WY, and ADL Intermediate School in Essex Junction, VT. Throughout the year these 150+ students collaborated on issues around bullying, the environment, isolation, poverty, and substance abuse. Culminating in educational posters displayed in their respective communities, these students gained important skills necessary to becoming youth activists and agents of positive social change.

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This summer a group of these students attended our annual leadership retreat, where they created and implemented the first steps of action plans to address an issue close to their hearts. I am very excited to see how these action plans continue to unfold as this new school year progresses. What a great retreat – productive, heartwarming, illuminating, and fun!


Switching gears a little bit I’m spending the current year doing more outreach to schools, as well as following ADL on their journey and working closely with them as they participate in a second year of TGPP.  Our overarching theme is citizenship, and we began the year by honoring International Peace Day with what we called “peaceful intentions.”  Here are a few:

“I will not let my own opinions get in the way of the way I treat or think about other people.”

“I will be kind to all of my friends and peers by giving positive feedback and compliments.”

“I will help 7 different people with 7 different things.”

“I will get work done faster to relieve stress which will lower inner conflict.”

“I will make my mom’s life easier by helping around the house.”

“I will not pick fights with my family, sisters, or friends.”

“I will help people who are caught in bullying by standing up for them.”

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Very inspiring!

- Jacqueline

TGPP Founding Director


Embracing Citizenship

